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Assessing the damage with accuracy, punctuality and transparency

Assessing a loss means taking into account the specific situations of the parties involved. This is why we carry out our work with punctuality, timeliness and precision. We guarantee technical competence, transparency and clarity of communication without ceasing to seek innovative and technological formulas to give the deserved importance to those who really matter: the policyholder.

Electrical and elctronic overvoltage damages

Assessing a claim arising out of overvoltage damage implies a strong technical competence to read and interpret the results of the measurements made by our technicians, put these findings into the context and evaluate the possible causes of the damage.

Only at this point can we begin with the analysis of the policy coverage that will lead to the indemnification of the claim and the provision of services.

In a few days the policyholder will know if the claim will be indemnified or not and at what amount.
The companies that have chosen A&A for the adjusting of these damages can count on a service to their policyholders provided with technical competence, extreme transparency, clear communication and timeliness.

Loss adjusting and services for:

  • Damages from electrical overvoltage
  • Damages to electronic goods
  • Damages from machine breakdown

Damages to renewable energy plants

Renewable energies represent the future of the energy supply of the planet and our country is one of the largest producers in Europe.

Assessing a damage in a plant of production of alternative energy, photovoltaic, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal or biomass plants requires specific technical knowledge.

A&A has a team dedicated to the assessment of these damages in which internal engineers and external consultants from different fields work together. For this reason we are a reference partner for all insurance groups that have created specific coverage for this field in the industrial or civil field.

Appraisals and services for:

  • Damage to photovoltaic plants
  • Damage to hydroelectric plants
  • Damage to wind power plants
  • Damages to geothermal and biomass plants
  • Damages from missed production

Mass claims

A&A handles more than 50,000 claims per year characterized by a strong seasonality. To cope with such large volumes, we have chosen state-of-the-art IT systems and designed dynamic processes capable of guaranteeing very high levels of service in terms of quality, quantity and time.

We do not accept compromises in adapting our productivity to the seasonal trend of claims, without ever compromising with what we consider to be the characteristics of an assessment: fair, technical, transparent and clear.

Loss adjusting and services for:

  • Damages to civil and industrial building technology
  • Damages to small and large household appliances
  • Damages to machinery and production plants

Major and complex claims

In the face of large and complex losses, in addition to the technical and professional knowledge of the adjuster, the relationship with the client and the coordination of the team of specialist colleagues involved in the assessment are fundamental. Here the soft skills of the adjuster, his ability to make quick and incisive decisions, and the ability to translate sometimes complex and confusing situations into simple and quantified items play a decisive role.

A&A has teams of experts dedicated to these types of claims. Young, dynamic experts who have gained great experience in recent years, supported by the most modern technologies of investigation: a real novelty in this market.

We work in the field:

  • Claims to renewable energy plants
  • Claims on business interruption risks
  • Claims on cyber risks
  • Fire damage claims
  • Weather event claims

Engineering insurance claims

Our core business, here we know how to give the best of our technical expertise. At the side of companies that suffer damage to plants, machinery, electronic and technological equipment.

We work in the field:

  • Assets under construction: damages on EAR covers.
  • Goods in operation: damages on machine failure covers, interruptions of operation due to machine failure, damages on electronic policy, indirect damages.
  • Goods after construction: damages on supply guarantee policy.

Claims in corporate environment

When a claim involves companies, multinationals or large organizations, several factors come into play that cannot be ignored. The policyholder must receive a timely and valuable service regardless of the type and severity of the damage.

A service that requires a punctual organization as well as qualified experts.

FAQ: Surveys

How can I get in touch and send my documents?
Reach us here, via email, live chat or phone: we’ll be in touch soon.
Check our Contacts page for all necessary information.
If you need to arrange an appointment, speak to the loss adjuster in charge of your claim or just provide information or documentation, please always specify the reference number of your case.
Can I dispose of the damaged goods and parts? How long do I have to preserve them?
The preservation of the damaged parts or goods for the necessary verifications by an expert is an obligation normally imposed by the policy, under penalty of non-compensation. It is therefore of fundamental importance that any goods affected by the damage (and not just photographs) be made available. It will be possible to dispose of them only after the complete assessment of the damage..
Can I contact my suppliers to repair/replace the damaged items?
While waiting for the expert verifications, it is of course possible to proceed with the repair or replacement of the goods or components damaged, on condition that the residuals are preserved until the final conclusion of the loss assessment.
Who will come on-site to verify the damage?
The verification of the damage on site is carried out by the technical specialists of the A&A network, professionals with extensive experience, with the know-how and tools necessary to document the damage in order to make a correct assessment. The technician in charge of the inspection has no competence on the indemnifiability or non indemnifiability of the damage.
How does the inspection technician assess whether it is an electrical phenomenon damage?
A&A’s verification technicians follows a strict predefined procedure to determine if it is an “electrical phenomenon”, through functional tests and instrumental measurements. The use of sophisticated and precise testers allows to identify the smptoms and traces of the occurrence of voltage surges, short circuits or arcs as causes of damage to a component, device or plant..
Why do I need to provide my IBAN?
Once we have verified that your claim is eligible for compensation under policy terms, we’ll proceed to settle your claim through a bank transfer and having already your IBAN will help to speed up this process.
What are the deductible and the percentage excess?
They are the part of the damage which, by contract, remains at the charge of the policyholder: the deductible is expressed in absolute value, while the percentage excess is expressed as a percentage of the ascertained value of the damage. The application of a deductible and/or a percentage excess as a reduction of the indemnity does not depend on the discretion of the expert, but is regulated by the undersigned policy.